1 POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY the situation that has arisen, and the current cultural and social system (Zimbardo, 2014; in Zelina, 2018). In contrast, in the Heroic Imagination Project, the author focuses on building a healthy personality, supports the courage of the heroes of ordinary days and draws attention to the apathy of passers-by (bystanders). With the project, the authors cultivate positive patterns in youth (Franco, Allison, Kinsella et al., 2016; Zimbardo, 2014, in Janstova, Slezäckovä, 2018). According to Slezackovä, the research of psychologists from the positive psychology movement also focused on the following aspects of young people’s lives. Table 1. An overview of theoretical and empirical works related to positive psychology Diener, Suh, Lucas, Smith (1999) personal satisfaction, subjective well-being, longterm happiness Peterson (1991) Seligman (1999, 2004) Linley (2010) examination of human optimism, hope, personality and overall happiness, moral aspect of the character Ryan and Deci (1985, 2000) motivation, health psychology Frankla (1994) highlighting human revelation to make sense Rogersa (1995) understanding myself Antonovského (1984) concept of salutogenesis Fromma (2001) love and personality development Pargament (2007) “The father of psychology built on strengths and the grandfather of positive psychology” Seligman (2008) the positive impact of spirituality, Gilman et al. (2009) positive institutions and defining the characteristics of a safe school Ryff (1995) Extended Model of Self-Determination Theory, 6-Factor Model of Psychological Well-being Keyes (2002, 2009) flourishing, that is, flowering, or optimal prosperity Gilman, Huebner, Furlong (2009) implementation of positive psychology into the school process Calhoun, Tedeschi (2006), Joseph (2011) posttraumatic personality development through the lens of positive psychology Davidson (2011) a Fredrickson (2011) brain activity in meditation, evidence-based method Bormans (2016) Slezäckovä (2017) personal well-being through the intervention of the Internet and electronic media .23 +