ANGOL NYELVŰ ÖSSZEFOGLALÓK - SUMMARY " 235 Life satisfaction . Average life satisfaction is 7.28 on the scale with range of 0-10. The life satisfaction of boys is higher than that of girls, with the exception of 5" graders. Overall, a fifth of students are dissatisfied with their lives. Psychosomatic symptoms - More than half of the students experience two or more psychosomatic symptoms at least weekly. Between 5-9" class, the rate of those who report several frequent symptoms rises significantly. The most common psychological symptom is fatigue, and the most common physical symptom is headache. Between 2018 and 2022, the proportion of young people who frequently experience multiple symptoms increased by nearly 15%. Well-being, mood - 61% of the students report a high level of well-being, 25% feel slightly depressed, while 14% report a definite low level of well-being. Fewer girls feel good than not. Older students report more mood problems. - More than a quarter of students never feel lonely, the proportion of those who feel lonely most of the time or always is 16%. In all grades more girls often feel lonely than boys. Self-efficacy, stress - Two-thirds of the students feel that they manage to find solutions to the problems that arise and 60% stated that they usually manage to implement what they plan, that is, the majority of students can be characterized by high self-efficacy. Many of the older students think of themselves as successful problem solvers and that they can implement their plans. . Although 42% of students quite often or very often feel that things are going according to their ideas, at the same time, for more than a quarter of them, difficulties often accumulate in such a way that they cannot overcome them.