234 = ISKOLASKORU GYERMEKEK EGÉSZSÉGMAGATARTÁSA PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH BMI and nutritional status - Body mass index increases with age for both sexes. Boys’ BMIs are higher at all ages (19-23) than girls’ values (18-22). . 65% of young people have a normal nutritional status, 22% are overweight or obese. The proportion of overweight or obese students at all ages is higher for boys than for girls. In the last twenty years, the rates have increased for both sexes. - Malnutrition affects about 13% of students in the total sample, significantly higher rates among girls and primary school students are seen than among boys and secondary school students. Body image - 47% of students think that their weight is adequate, and about 35% consider themselves fat. Among girls, the proportion of those who think they are fat is much higher than among boys, which difference is even more pronounced in the middle school age group. Since the turn of the millennium, the proportion of young people who consider their body weight too high has increased minimally. - 18% of students see themselves as thin. The rates for boys are much higher than for girls, especially in the middle school age group. Self-reported health . Less than a fifth of the students feel that their health is excellent, nearly half as good, and nearly a third as worse. A higher proportion of boys consider their health to be excellent than girls. In the case of girls, between the 5th and 9th grades, the proportion of those who reports worse health status increased, for boys, there is no definite direction among the age groups. Since 2002, the proportion of young people who consider their health to be excellent has never been as low as it was in 2022.