ANGOL NYELVŰ ÖSSZEFOGLALÓK - SUMMARY " 233 Problematic video gaming and gambling . 1896 of the 9-11" grade students experience at least one frequent problematic video game use symptom. The prevalence of lifetime, past year, and past month gambling among 9-11" grade students is 44%, about 35% and 17%, respectively. Problematic video gaming and gambling are much more common among boys than among girls. Medically attended injuries - Almost 40% of students suffered at least once and 18% at least twice an injury in the year preceding the questioning, that requires medical assistance. Boys are more affected in all age groups, and injury rates are higher in the primary school age groups. Sexual behaviour - 45% of students in 9-11" grades have had a sexual relationship. Higher proportions of students in higher grades have had a sexual relationship. More than 25% of these students were 14 years of age or younger at the time of their first sexual relationship. Students in 9 grade are most frequently 15 years old (43%), and students in 11" grade are most frequently 16 years old (32%) or 17 years old or older (33%) at the time of their first sexual relationship. One fifth of students who had already had a sexual relationship did not use any protection during their last intercourse. 53% used condoms and approximately 10-10% used pills and both methods during their last intercourse.