ISKOLÁSKORÚ GYERMEKEK EGÉSZSÉGMAGATARTÁSA students, the rates are lower than among secondary school students. Time trends show stable values. Physical activity 4096 do vigorous exercise at least four times a week. Boys have almost twice as much physical activity as girls. As age progresses, the freguency of physical activity decreases. A slowly improving trend can be observed in the last twenty years, especially for boys. Leisure time activity, screen time almost 1096 less common for the youngest than for older age groups. (at least four hours a day) sitting in front of the screen, play games and use social networking sites. The former activity is more typical for boys, the latter more for girls. Older students have higher rates of social media use. The same proportion does not reach 20% for watching TV and video content, and 10% for searching for information on the Internet. Sleeping habits wake up before 7:30 a.m. in the morning. On weekends, the average bedtime is more than an hour later, and the average waking time is more than three hours later. Boys wake up earlier than girls. Older students go to bed later and wake up earlier on school days and later on weekends than younger people. Compared to the last survey, the average bedtime on school days was significantly later. weekends it is slightly more than 9.5 hours. Girls sleep less during the week and boys on weekends. The youngest sleep about an hour and a half more (8.5 hours) than the oldest on school days. On weekends, this