ANGOL NYELVŰ ÖSSZEFOGLALÓK - SUMMARY " 229 HEALTH PROMOTING BEHAVIOURS Eating habits . Around 359 of students eat breakfast every school day. 1his is 1596 lower than twenty years ago. Eating breakfast every day is less common for girls and older students. . Daily fruit and vegetable consumption is typical for less than 3096 of young people. The previously experienced gender difference (with more favourable rates for girls) is no longer visible. The rates decrease significantly with age. After a significant improving trend since 2002, stagnation has been seen since 2014. . Sweets are consumed by less than a quarter of the students, and sugary soft drinks by slightly more than a fifth every day. In the case of sweet consumption, the proportions decrease to a large extent, while in the case of soft drink consumption, rates decrease slightly in older age groups. An improving trend since 2014 can be detected. . The proportion of young people who consume energy drinks every day is almost 14%. A slight upward trend has been characteristic since 2014. Compared to the value of the youngest (5%), this ratio increases to about four times in the oldest age group. Weight control . Less than half of young people are satisfied with their body weight, every fifth tries to reduce it in some way. This is typical for girls in a 10% higher proportion than for boys. For girls, the rates increase with age. In the last twenty years, these values have remained stable for boys, while a decreasing trend can be seen for girls since 2014. Toothbrushing - Toothbrushing at least twice a day characterizes 63% of students, with a significantly higher proportion of girls. For girls, among primary school