ANGOL NYELVŰ ÖSSZEFOGLALÓK - SUMMARY " 223 SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND Place of living - About one-sixth of surveyed students live in Budapest. In contrast, half live in other cities, and one-third live in rural areas or villages, with 1% living on farms. Migration 98% of students were born in Hungary. 1.5% of the students have both parents born abroad, while 5% have at least one parent born abroad, but they themselves were born in Hungary. Family structure - Approximately two-thirds of children live with both biological parents. Single-parent families account for close to one-fifth, and every eighth family is reconstituted. The proportion of students living in two biological parent families decreases with age, from 76% in the 5" grade to 63% in the 11" grade. About 3% of surveyed children live without both biological parents, such as in foster care or with other family members. . The average number of siblings living together is 1.5 per student, and with around one-fifth having no siblings. Two-child families are the most common. Family socio-economic situation + There’s a positive trend in parents’ education, employment, and affluence compared to four years ago survey results.