MIKLÓS VASSÁNYI Aboriginals had their hidden agendas and set traps which Europeans often fatally fell into and died — because on a smaller scale, a nomadic nation or tribe also has its geopolitical objectives, even if these do not have to do with more power or wealth but with simple survival. Setting a snare for an intruder menacing to destroy your vital food supplies is an act that, at the lower, defensive extreme of the same gamut, bears comparison with kidnapping for territorial expansion or economic advantage. It is a human reaction to a tragic challenge that seems impossible to thwart, as opposed to an active and offensive intrusion into what was perceived, in European terms, and by a fatal neglection of “the people,” as no man’s land. Since these challenges emerged in thoroughly incalculable situations, when both parties, meeting up, were faced with the utterly unknown, conflict and violence — and the operation of hidden agendas in general — were hardly evitable. At the end of the day, this invites the question whether it was possible at all to have peaceful first and second encounters with less gore and mayhem. I| for one am skeptical. BIBLIOGRAPHY ABEL, Caspar, Caspar Abels Stiffts- Stadt- und Landchronick Des jetzigen Fuerstenthums Halberstadt, Worinnen die Geschichte dieses ehmaligen Bischoffthums... beschrieben worden, Bernburg, Christoph Gottfried Coerner, 1754. ASHER, G. M. (ed.), Henry Hudson the Navigator. The Original Documents in which his Career is Recorded, Collected, Partly Translated, and Annotated, with an Introduction, London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1809. (Containing the “Diary of Abacuck Pricket, Survivor.”) BoBE, Louis (ed.), Diplomatarium Groenlandicum 1492-1814. Aktstykker og breve til oplysning om Gronlands besejling, kolonisation og missionering, Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag, 1936. (Meddelelser om Gronland Bd. 55, Ne 3.) BONNERJEA, René, Eskimos in Europe. How they got there and what happened to them afterwards, London-Budapest, Bird Family Nyomdaipari Kft, 2004. CARTIER, Jacques, Brief recit, & succincte narration, de la nauigation faicte es ysles de Canada, Hochelaga & Saguenay & autres, auec particulieres meurs, langaige, & cerimonies des habitans d’icelles: fort delectable a veoir, Paris, Ponce Roffet, 1545. CRrANTZ, David, The History of Greenland: Containing a Description of the Country, and its Inhabitants: And Particularly, A Relation of the Mission, carried on for above these Thirty Years by the Unitas Fratrum, at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that Country, 2 Vols., London, Brethren’s Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathens, 1767. + 226 +