MIKLÓS VASSÁNYI Jolliet in 1694.% For Hudson’s crew, however, this was no more than a snare, similar to the one used by Appalachee Indians to entrap the Spaniard Juan Ortiz, a survivor of the 1528 Narvaez expedition (later found in 1539 by the Hernando de Soto-expedition in the area of present day Tampa, Florida).”” By the time of the next meeting the following day, the English have grown confident in the Nunavimmiut or Nunavik Inuit and as they go ashore esssentially unarmed for gathering sorrel and trading, they are surrounded by the Aboriginals, who stage a surprise attack, butchering several of the English.** Behind the brute facts, on the face of it, there is no immediately manifest motivation on the part of the Nunavimmiut for this attack. They were, apparently, a relatively, though not completely, uncontacted group living in a degree of isolation at Digges Sound along the Eastern coast of the 36 Markham (ed.), Voyages of Davis, 2 and 6; Louis Jolliet, Journal de L. Joliett allant a la descouverte de Labrador, in Rapport de l’Archiviste de la province de Québec pour 19431944, Québec, Rédempti Paradis, Imprimeur de Sa Majesté le Roi, 1944, 168-206, see especially 194-195. “...chegando ao porto a vista do pouo, virä em terra hüa cana chätada no chäo & &cima fendida & metida hüa carta & creram que ho gouernador a auia deixado pera dar nouas de si quando detriminou entrar a terra dentro, & a quatro ou cinco indios que pela praya andauä a pedirä & elles por aceno lhe disserä que fossem eles a terra por ella: ho que cötra vöta de dos outros Joä Ortiz & outro fizeram: & tanto que forä em terra, das casas do pouo sahiram muitos indios que os cercaram & tomaram em parte que nam podiam fugir: & a outro que se quiz defender logo alli ho matara & a Joa Ortiz tomaram as mäos & leuaram no a Ucita seu senhor...” (Gentleman of Elvas, Relagam verdadeira dos trabalhos que ho gouernador don Fernando de Souto y certos fidalgos portugueses passarom no descobrimento da prouincia da Frolida!. Agora nouamente feita per hun fidalgo Deluas, Euora, 1557, Chapter 9, 24 recto.) “Now when we came, they made signes to their dogges [...], and pointed to their mountaine and to the sunne, clapping their hands. Then Henry Greene, John Thomas, and William Wilson stood hard by the boate head, Michael Perse and Andrew Moter were got up upon the rock a gathering of sorrell; not one of them had any weapon about him, not so much as a sticke, save Henry Greene only, who had a piece of a pike in his hand: nor saw I any thing that they had wherewith to hurt us. Henry Greene and William Wilson had looking-glasses, and Jewes trumps, and bels, which they were shewing the people. The savages standing round about them, one of them came into the boats head to me to shew me a bottle: I made signes to him to get him ashoare, but he made as though he had not understood me, whereupon I stood up and pointed him ashoare. In the meane-time another stole behind me to the sterne of the boat, and when I saw him ashoare that was in the head of the boat I sate downe againe, but suddenly I saw the legge and foote of a man by mee. Wherefore I cast up my head, and saw the savage with his knife in his hand, who strooke at my breast over my head: I cast up my right arme to save my brest, he wounded my arme, and strooke me into the bodie under my right pappe. [...] Whiles I was thus assaulted in the boat, our men were set upon on the shoare. John Thomas and William Wilson had their bowels cut, and Michael Perse and Henry Greene, being mortally wounded, came tumbling into the boat together. When Andrew Motor saw this medley, hee came running downe the rockes, and leaped into the sea, and so swamme to the boat, hanging on the sterne thereof, till Michael Perse took him in, who manfully made good the head of the boat against the savages, that pressed sore upon us. Now Michael Perse had got an hatchet, wherewith I saw him strike one of them, that he lay sprawling in the sea. [...] The savages betooke them to their bowes and arrows, which they sent amongst us, wherewith Henry Greene was slaine outright, and Michael Perse received many wounds, and so did the rest.” (Prickett, Larger Discourse, in Asher [ed.], Henry Hudson, 130-131.) * 218 +