26 " A MEGÉRTÉS ÉDES ÖRÖME 106° 7 Dive TORT HwongSon , Thor Lö "Nu 7 Can „Ha \ ro A Vu 4 __ if VG Quang 17 st NA Hwong Khé S. fs 17°. Bru- Van Kiéu population density according to districts Eu under 1 percent 1 1-5 percent | | above 5 percent £ f I £ i Second round: 407 souls, \ _«7 First round: — 4 2481 souls, r- 2. Sr 19 and 21 April, 1972 esettlement of the Bru from Quäng Tri to Darlac in 1972, after Nguyén Trac Di (n.d.): 74. aA SN a t FOOT RENIN of 107° ng ,Phong . + Há" ou ang mary i Hai Lang népszámlálási adatok alapján