STUDY Two In the last part of the questionnaire, a series of questions elicited information about the background ofthe participants. The questions concerned gender, age, number of years learning English, type of secondary school, number of EFL lessons a week, whether participants have any foreign language exam certificates, and whether participants took part in foreign exchange programs before. 5.3 DATA COLLECTION AND THE VALIDATION PROCESS The questionnaire was developed in Hungarian, and the adopted English language scales (where necessary) were translated into Hungarian. Through expert judgment, two professionals and two potential participants (secondary school students) were asked to complete the questionnaire implementing the so-called think-aloud protocol, which meant that these people were asked to think aloud while completing the questionnaire. This was important to make sure that all questions and items were interpreted the same way and the way they were meant to be interpreted. All problematic questions were reworded and finetuned before the pilot process. The questionnaire was piloted with 50 students, and in order to ensure the internal consistency of the scales, Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated for all scales. Based on Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, some of the items were fine-tuned and reworded once more so that no ambiguous items could remain in the questionnaire (for more information on the validation process, see Fajt 2021b). The final version of the questionnaire was sent to Hungarian secondary school students learning English as a first or second foreign language at secondary school, and the data collection itself took place in March 2021. 5.4 DATA ANALYSIS The obtained data were first coded; then, all negatively worded items (reversed items) were recoded in reverse. The coded data was then input into SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) 27.0, which allowed for complex statistical analyses with the statistical significance level set for p<.05. Before the analyses, as explained previously, Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients were calculated for the scales to investigate their reliability. This was followed by descriptive statistical measures when mean scores (M) and standard deviations (SD) were calculated for all scales. Then the mean scores of scales were compared through independent samples t-tests in the case of questions with two answers (e.g., gender). Additionally, paired samples t-tests were also used to compare different scales measuring extramural and in-class dimensions + 93 +