HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH 7 Exchange of meanings 7.1 Exchange of action for result 7.2 Exchange of result for action 7.3 Exchange of action for object 7.4 Exchange of object for action 7.5 Exchange of action for place 7.6 Exchange of place for action 7.7 Exchange of action for actor 7.8 Exchange of actor for action 7.9 Exchange of state for action 7.10 Exchange of cause for action 7.11 Exchange of sound for action 7.12 Dynamic vs. static and static vs. dynamic exchanges 8 Antonymous translation 8.1 Negative-positive inversion 8.2 Positive-negative inversion 8.3 Conversive translation 8.4 Antonymous translation in situative utterances 8.5 Antonymous translation in dialogues 9 Total transformation 9.1 Total transformation of names of food and beverages 9.2 Total transformation of names of children’s games 9.3 Total transformation of proper names 9.4 Total transformation of address forms 9.5 Total transformation of names of historical realia 9.6 Total transformation of idiomatic expressions 9.7 Total transformation of situative utterances 9.8 Total transformation of measurements 9.9 Total transformation of intralingual references 10 Compensation 10.1 Types of losses 10.1.1 Serial (multiple) losses 10.1.2 Losses in translation of metalinguistic information 10.2 Local compensation 10.3 Global compensation e 272 "