Nezi az alispan az irast, sok benne a helyesírási zűrzavar. — Mi vót azelőtt? Nagyapám a mellére üt. — Hazafi!... — Jó van — aszongya az alispán -, oszt mi járatban van kend? — Kend? Elképed a nagyapám, kikerekedik a szeme a helyibül... — Micsoda?... Ki a kend?... Ha én kend, kend is kend"... Sarkon fordult s visszament az egy és háromfertály szilvafája alá... Úri muri, 6. fejezet Ihe alispán looked at his submission, which was full ofspelling mistakes. "What were you previously?" My grandfather struck his chest. A patriot! "Very well, said the alispán, in that case, what's your business, my good man?’ ‘Your what?’ My grandfather was thunderstruck. ‘What? ... Who are you calling your good man? ... If I'm your good man, you’re mine as well!’ He turned on his heel and went back to his bit of land. (p. 63) 25 Kisúr: ‘Small úr", an úr with relatively little land or wealth, as opposed to a nagyúr, geat úr. Not a precise term. A: — What nice things you have! B: — Uh, well... l’m not sure. B: — Uhm, well...