KEY TO THE TASKS TASK 6: IDENTIFY THE TRANSFER OPERATIONS IN THIS TRANSLATION. Tentative!? solutions: Grammatical replacement: 2, 12, 21; Addition: 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29; Omission, contraction: 3, 13, 19, 22; Generalisation, concretisation: 1, 5, 16, 18, 25; Antonymic translation: 17. TASK 8: STUDY THE FOLLOWING GOOGLE TRANSLATION OF A LITERARY TEXT. DISCUSS WHY THE MACHINE MISTRANSLATED SOME PARTS OF THE TEXT. COMPARE THE TRANSLATION WITH A HUMAN TRANSLATION. Újra töltött: polysemy of töltött; ambiguity of reference due to divergent categories (he/she/it) makrancoskodott, félrespriccelt — difficult-to-define contextual meanings nyaka közé — divergent categories: between and among nincs húsvét, urak — cultural reference TASK 9: COMPARE THE FOLLOWING SOURCE TEXT TO ITS GOOGLE TRANSLATION. HOW MUCH POST-EDITING IS NECESSARY? No corrections are needed. 2 The adjective tentative indicates that in some cases it is difficult to assign a translation solution to a particular category. * 263 ¢