KEY TO THE TASKS 10. Which statement is TRUE? A. Polysemy is pervasive in all human languages. B. Polysemy is a relation between words with similar meanings. C. Polysemy is found only in scientific words. D. Polysemy is a relation between two words that mean the same. 11. Which of these is an idiom? A. null and void B. aiding and abetting crime C. this will cook Arthur’s goose D. all that glitters is not gold 12. Which of these is an idiom? A. a song and a dance B. we have to get at all the facts C. as far as I know D. don’t lose heart 13. Which of these collocations is a habitual (unmarked) collocation? A. to cook coffee B. to put an exam C. to give a laugh D. to bring up an example 14. Which of these collocations is a habitual (unmarked) collocation? A. lead a diary B.leadalife C.leadacar D.leadahousehold 15. Which of these collocations is NOT a habitual collocation in English? A. make room for sy B. make a noise C. make homework D. make a fuss 16. Which of these collocations is NOT a habitual one? A. badly need B. completely exhausted C. fully dressed D. entirely interested 17. Which of these words is NOT habitually collocated with pass? A. the ball B. an exam C. time D. hair 18. Which of these words canNOT be related collocationally to raw? A. meat B. deal C. egg D. sea 19. Which of these words cannot be related collocationally to flow? A. river B. deliberately C. water D. tears 20. Which of these words canNOT be related collocationally to go? A. home B. pineapples C. wrong D without saying 21. Which of these words can NOT be related collocationally to blue? A. pale B. deep C. light D. hard * 257 +