Equivalent with exactly the same Similar, but partly different Can be translated Can be explained meaning in meaning 12 “The loft is full of | Iam fed up with promises”, (as the | promises. Hungarian saying goes). 13 “My snow-boots | lam fed up with it. are full” (as the Hungarian saying goes). 14 | A blind man may | A stopped clock is perchance hit the | right twice a day. mark. Even a blind pig may occasionally pick up an acorn. (2) 15 To stare like a| “Tostare like acalf | to look in a constuck pig. (?) at a new gate” (as | fused way the Hungarian saying goes). 16 I have already a lot of experience, I will not be easily fooled. 17 | What has that got “What is the boot to do with it? doing on the table?” (as the Hungarian saying goes). 18 "A common horse | If you use somehas scars on his | thing in common, back” (as the Hun- | no one will take garian saying | care to use it propgoes). erly or maintain it. 19 “He left them like | He was left behind St. Paul left the | unexpectedly. ? Wallachians” (as the Hungarian saying goes). 20 God speed you! You can go, I will not detain you.