KEY TO THE TASKS one more comment. He warned us again / He gave us another warning. He had to wait another day. G. Several articles on this subject have appeared in the press. This year there have been more road accidents than last year. Several ships were near the Titanic but they ignored the distress signals. I offered him £10, but he wants more. There were several reasons for the disaster. A good skilled worker gets higher wages than an engineer. There was one more glass on the table. There'll be more accidents next year. H. Aki betegszabadságot vesz ki, amikor nem beteg, az bűnöző, mert időt lop — állítja Dennis Challenger ausztrál kriminológus. Ha találkozol valakivel egy buliban, tudni akarod a nevét, mielőtt ágyba ugranál vele. I. Everyone put your coats on. Someone left their hat on the bench. Everyone went home to their families. TASK 2: CORRECT THESE SENTENCES. Most people / Most of the people went home. Peter drank most of the wine. He who laughs last laughs best. There will be rain in several parts of the country. I want a wife who can cook well. TASK 3: IDENTIFY THE REFERENCE OF THE PRONOUN IT IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. CHECK THE TRANSLATION OF THE PRONOUN USING DEEPL TRANSLATE. 1. it — chlorophyl; 2. it — chlorophyl; 3. it — chlorophyl; 4. it — atmosphere; 5. it — chlorophyl; 6. it — chlorophyl; 7. it — chlorophyl; 8. it — chlorophyl TASK 4: TRANSLATE. We parted good friends. He came home tired. Williams won the match easily. He ran away angrily. He hit his opponent hard. Speak out loud / Speak up. Walk slowly / slow. Speak softly and carry a big stick. He nodded in a friendly way. He smiled kindly. He died young. He drove fast. He gave a hoarse laugh. He patted me on the shoulder in a friendly way. Strangely / Oddly enough, I like him/her. Ideally, a basketball player is over six feet twenty. He had a hard time understanding me. Id love to drink it. + 243 +