HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH These translations are also perfectly acceptable, there are only two problematic places, the term kapasnövenyek and the phrase maximum enyhen savanyú talajokon. Neither MT engine was able to find the correct English term for kapásnövény. (According to the online dictionary https://hu.glosbe. com/en/hu, it is row crop or root crop.) Translation of the phrase maximum enyhén savanyú talajokon proved difficult to translate because the source text is unclear: what it wants to say is that "its use on highly acidic soils is not recommended, but on slightly acidic soils it can be applied.” This problem highlights the fact that MT engines cannot be expected to interpret badly written source texts or carry out transfer operations based on world (cultural) knowledge. Literary texts in which pragmatic meanings, connotations and culture-specific items abound and the TL reader’s cognitive environment is very different from that of the SL reader, may be more difficult for MT. Consider this example from Uri muri": Uri Muri MT (DeepL Translate) Human translation — A templomunk, grof ur, azért fordul a hátával a városnak, mert ezt még a törökök építették, osztán Mekka felé kellett fordítani a fejét. Mert gróf úr, Mária Terézia ő császári felsége elrendelte, hogy a kalvinisták ne építhessenek semmiféle templomot, így osztán a kálvinisták a szolnoki basához fordultak segítségért, anmeg azt mondta, építhetnek, de a tornyának Mekka felé kell fordulni. Így osztán Mekka ide, Mekka oda, mondták az atyafiak, inkább mekkázunk, de legyik templom azistenit, gróf úr. — Our temple, Count, turns its back on the city because it was built by the Turks and then had to turn its head towards Mecca. Because Count, Maria Theresa, her imperial highness, ordered the Calvinists not to build any church, so the Calvinists turned to the bassa of Solnok for help, who said they could build it, but the tower had to face Mecca. So, Mecca here, Mecca there, the brothers said, we'd rather build a church, but a church for Gods sake, Count.95 The reason our church has its back to the town, Count, is that actually it was built by the Turks, so it had to point towards Mecca. Because Her Imperial Majesty Maria Theresa had commanded that the Calvinists couldn’t build a church at all, so they turned to the Pasha of Szolnok for help, and he said they could build, but the tower had to face Mecca. So then, never mind which way Mecca is, they said, the devils, so we'll face Mecca, but let’s have a church, damn it.”°’ It must be noted that the quality of machine translation is improving day by day, as shown by the Google translation in Task 8 below. The translations above may have improved by the time you read this. Occasional lapses still occur, as in the translation of an unpublished seminar paper: 105 Möricz Zs. 1982. Uri muri. Budapest: Mora. http://mek.oszk.hu/01400/01431/01431.htm Accessed 21.02.2022. 106 Accessed 21.02.2022. 107 Möricz, Zs. 2008. Very Merry, Translated by Adams, B. Budapest: Corvina. * 210 +