LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS IN ENGLISH-HUNGARIAN AND HUNGARIAN—ENGLISH TRANSLATION > Clauses of the type he/police/officials/etc. said are better transferred to initial position in Hungarian: A military truck carrying more than 2,000 hand-grenades caught fire in southern Norway, police said. A rendőrség közölte, hogy Dél-Norvégiában kigyulladt egy katonai tehergépkocsi, amely több mint 2000 kézigránátot szállított. > Adverbials are often fronted: A military truck carrying more than 2,000 hand-grenades caught fire in southern Norway. Del-Norvegiaban kigyulladt egy katonai tehergepkocsi, amely több mint 2000 kézigránátot szállított. > The order of main and subordinate clause may be reversed: The driver raced through the village and stopped in an open field before it exploded. Mielőtt a jármű felrobbant, a vezető átszáguldott a falun, és egy nyílt mezőn állt meg. > The subject-predicate order may be reversed if the subject is too long: A military truck carrying more than 2,000 hand-grenades caught fire in southern Norway. Del-Norvegiaban kigyulladt egy katonai tehergepkocsi, amely több mint 2000 kézigránátot szállított. > Word order often has to be reversed in translating appositive phrases: Boris Johnson brit miniszterelnök — Prime Minister Boris Johnson ADAPTATION Adaptation is often used in translating culture-specific items. This operation means that the SL expression, which has no equivalent in the TL, is replaced by a TL expression that has a similar role in the TL culture. For example, in translating the word pdlinka into English, we may choose to borrow the Hungarian word, or use a more general word like brandy, or may choose to use the word whisky. The last solution would be adaptation. In a similar way, the sentence (from a newspaper article) JTepertőt ettek zacsiból could be translated literally (They were eating cracklings from paper bags) or using adaptation, replacing tepert6t with something that would be culturally similar, e.g., They were eating fish and chips bought from a Chinese takeaway. + 207 +