HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH Látlak. — Ican see you. Kerestelek. — I have been looking for you. This is obligatory distribution of meaning. In the opposite direction, there will be obligatory contraction: I can see you. o Látlak. I have been looking for you. — Kerestelek. Distribution and contraction may be necessary with lexical items, too: Sokan húztak hasznot ebből a vállalkozásból. — Many benefited from this enterprise. Many benefited from this enterprise. - Sokan hüztak hasznot ebből a vállalkozäsbôl. Distribution may be necessary in translating culture-specific items or words denoting new objects or phenomena: jet lag - a gyorsjaratu transzkontinentális repülőgépek közlekedéséből következő időeltolódás élettani hatásai baby boomers - a (háború után született) nagylétszámú korosztályok tagjai However, such distribution is optional: the translator may choose a different solution, e.g., borrowing the SL word (jetlag, baby boomer), or shortening the paraphrase (időeltolódás). REARRANGEMENT (WORD ORDER CHANGES) In many cases changes in word order are obligatory and are carried out automatically, even by less experienced translators, as in the Hungarian translation of the following phrases: under the influence of alcohol; according to this report; in a minute; the day of the jackal; director general; the day after; the countries concerned; our ambassador to Rome; heir to the throne; US President Donald Trump/Joe Biden; 90% of the votes cast; going home; all is not lost; all that glitters is not gold, etc. Some typical, less trivial word order changes in English-Hungarian translation are the following: * 206 +