HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH In translating some grammatical structures from English into Hungarian sometimes lexical words have to be added. Conversely, in the opposite direction, lexical words may be omitted. I have seen roses, damasked, red, and white... — Láttam már rózsát ..." Elfelejtette ugyanis kikapcsolni a tüzhelyet. — He had forgotten to turn off the cooker. What's that? — I called after him, but the door had closed. — Mi az? - szóltam utána, de addigra már becsukódott az ajtó. In translating proper names in either direction, addition of an appositive phrase to compensate for lack of background knowledge is often necessary: the Potomac — A Potomac folyó; a Tisza — the River Tisza; a Kékes — Mount Kékes “It is your best work, Basil, the best thing you have ever done,” said Lord Henry, languidly. “You must certainly send it next year to the Grosvenor. The Academy is too large and too vulgar. The Grosvenor is the only place.” Ez a legjobb munkád, Basil, a legjobb, melyet valaha festettél — mondotta Lord Henry álmatagon. — Okvetlenül be kell küldened jövőre a Grosvenor-tárlatra. Az akadémia csarnoka túl nagy és túl közönséges ehhez a képhez. Valóban csak a Grosvenor-tárlatra való." It is not commonly known that Charles Darwin intended to become a clergyman when he studied at Cambridge, or that the Church of England honoured him with burial in Westminster Abbey near Isaac Newton.” Kevesen tudják, hogy Charles Darwin eredetileg papnak készült, amikor Cambridge-ben hittudományt tanult; amikor pedig meghalt, az anglikán egyház a Westminster apátságban temette el, Isaac Newton sírja közelében." Addition often involves explicitation, which means that information that is not coded in the ST is expressed in coded form in the TT. For more information on explicitation see Heltai (2003, 2005, 2010, Klaudy 1999, Klaudy and Károly 2005). "7 Shakespeare: Sonnet CXXX. Hungarian translation by Varró, D. 98 Wilde, O. 1993. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Genoa: Blackcat. Wilde, O. 1993. Dorian Gray arcképe. Translated by Kosztolanyi, D. https://mek.oszk.hu/06000/06004/06004.pdf °° Bakken, G. S.: Creation or Evolution? http://www.ncseweb.org/resources/articles/6733_... 100 Bakken, G. S.: Teremtés vagy evoluciö? Translated by Szilagyi, A. http://www.freeweb.hu/ ateizmus/ + 204 +