HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LEXICAL CONTRASTS Intelligence reports indicated that a major attack was in preparation. She greased the tin liberally. His father was a Baptist minister. Motorists were warned to keep off the road because of icy conditions. He was a pathetic figure, standing there in his pyjamas. This treatment does not help. Indeed, it does positive harm. What do you propose in specific terms? 11. STUDY THE GOOGLE TRANSLATION” OF THESE SENTENCES. WHICH ONES ARE CORRECT/ INCORRECT? H. sentence — English translation by Google Translate correct | incorrect A brit sportolók 10 aranyérmet nyertek az olimpián. British athletes have won 10 gold medals at the Olympics. Lemerült az akkumulátor. The battery is low. A tényleges költség sokkal nagyobb volt, mint a tervezett. The actual cost was much higher than planned. Három kombájn dolgozott a táblán. Ihree combine harvesters were working on the field. Összkomfortos lakást vettem. I bought an apartment with all comforts. Három hétig csak konzervet ettünk. For three weeks we ate only canned food. A tanárnő szigorú, de nem konzekvens. The teacher is strict but inconsistent. Nincs meleg viz, elromlott a bojler. No hot water, boiler broken. Ez a prospektus sok hasznos utazási információt tartalmaz. Ihis brochure contains many useful travel information. Nincs gyakorlatom a fordításban. I have no practice in translation. Nem vették fel az egyetemre, pedig protekciója is volt. He was not admitted to the university, though he had protection. A doktor írt számomra egy receptet. The doctor wrote me a recipe. 55 Accessed 03.10.2020. * 121°