HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH Flamboyant. As for flamboyant, we find several different meanings listed in English-Hungarian bilingual dictionaries: lang(nyelv)szerii; késdi got; szinpompás; lobogó; túldíszített; rikító; hivalkodó. In a monolingual dictionary", it is defined as ‘very noticeable, stylish, and exciting, as in Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.’ It can be translated into Hungarian in several different ways, but lacks a good, exact equivalent. (Perhaps the word extravagdns comes closest to it.) Wishy-washy. Again, the word wishy-washy has several equivalents in bilingual dictionaries (faké, hig, izetlen, se ize se biize, szintelen, teddide-teddoda, tutyi-mutyi, érdektelen, lapos, semmitmondó), but none of them expresses its exact meaning, which is defined in this way: If you say that someone is wishy-washy, you are critical of them because their ideas are not firm or clear. E.g., If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s an indecisive, wishy-washy customer.” Culture-specific words. Word meaning is inseparable from encyclopaedic knowledge (world knowledge, including cultural and subject matter knowledge). Thus, the word breakfast denotes a meal eaten in the morning, but speakers of English will also know what this meal typically consists of and quite a lot of other things. There is a large group of words that denote entities specific to a particular culture and as a result have no equivalents in other languages. For instance, there is no English word for Hungarian disznótor and disznótoros, kuruc, kurucos, labanc, and there is no Hungarian word for the event called Trooping the Colour. Here are some more examples of culture-specific words: > pub, Yorkshire pudding, ale, stout, backbencher, party whips, Downing Street, The Speaker, public school, comprehensive school, grammar school; ; babgulyás, pálinka, Alföld, gémeskút, fokos, einstand, gittegylet, grund, krajcár, magyar nóta, Mohácsi vész It is important to note that if there is no word in a language for a word of another language, it does not mean that it cannot be expressed. In this case various communication and translation strategies can be employed: borrowing (e.g., dartsozás), explaining (kurucok: anti-Habsburg insurgents in I8th century Hungary), literal translation (Irooping the Colour: zászlós díszszemle""), etc. (See Chapter 11.) 48 https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/flamboyant. Last accessed 20.11.2020. * https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/wishy-washy. Accessed 20.11.2020. 50 “A Trooping the Colour ceremóniája II. Károly király idejéig — vagyis a XVII. századig — nyúlik vissza, és annak a régi katonai szokásnak az ünnepélyes felidézése, amellyel az egyes alakulatok zászlait és jelképeit, vagyis színeit (colour) rendszeresen végighordozták a katonák (troops) előtt. Ennek két oka volt: a fennköltebb az, hogy a katonák jobban átérezzék azon zászló fontosságát, mely az alakulat lelke, és amelyet a legnagyobb megbecsülés illet. Ezzel érhető el, hogy a csatában a zászlót kövessék, megóvásáért önmagukat feláldozzák." https:// s 106 "