HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL CONTRASTS: PRONOUNS AND ADVERBS 3. IDENTIFY THE REFERENCE OF THE PRONOUN IT IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. CHECK THE TRANSLATION OF THE PRONOUN USING DEEPL TRANSLATE. Chlorophyl is the most important substance in the world for it can bring about four absolutely indispensable changes without which human and animal life would be impossible. It removes from the atmosphere the poisonous carbon dioxide poured into it by combustion. It causes the carbon dioxide to react with water, producing sugar, starch and fats. It further causes some of the carbon compounds it has made to react with another poisonous waste product, ammonia, forming protein, and it draws the energy from sunlight. 4. TRANSLATE. Jó barátként váltunk el. Fáradtan jött haza. Williams könnyen nyerte a mérkőzést. Dühösen elrohant. Keményen megütötte ellenfelét. Beszélj hangosan. Járj lassan. Beszélj halkan és hordj magadnál egy nagy botot." Barátságosan biccentett. Kedvesen mosolygott. Fiatalon halt meg. Gyorsan hajtott. Rekedten felnevetett. Barátságosan vállon veregetett. Furcsa módon tetszik nekem. Ideális esetben egy kosárlabdás két méter húsz fölött van. Nehezen értett meg. Szívesen meginnám. 5. CROSS OUT THE PHRASES THAT CANNOT FOLLOW THE PREPOSITION. Now everything depends on the weather. to surprise the enemy. that we can surprise the enemy. the soldiers. how the soldiers will fight. Jill did not object to that Jack held her hand. what Jack had said to her. Jack’s proposal. Jack holding her hand. 6. JOIN THE PAIRS OF PHRASES BELOW TO MAKE SENTENCES: Iam surprised at / you bought a Japanese car; we decided on / go down to the river; I informed him about /his uncle had arrived; he insisted on / I lay down my burden by the riverside; Jill was afraid of / Jack will go up the hill alone to fetch a pail of water; all girls are aware of / it is dangerous to walk in the spooky old woods alone; Alice was sorry about / she had mentioned her cat to the mouse; The Queen of Hearts was sure of / Alice was guilty. 33 Big stick ideology, big stick diplomacy, or big stick policy refers to President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy: “speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” (Wikipedia) «97 «