HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL CONTRASTS: THE NOUN PHRASE 5.9 POSSESSIVE ATTRIBUTES The Hungarian possessive attribute (‘birtokosjelzd’) may correspond to various prepositional phrase postmodifiers in English: az árak emelkedése — increase in prices elhatározásom oka — the reason for my decision a nyersanyagok árai — prices for raw materials 5.10 APPOSITIVES Appositives (értelmező jelző") in English follow the head noun if they refer to a less well-known person or entity or if they are long. In other cases, unlike in Hungarian, they precede the head noun: Timothy F. Geithner, a Federal Reserve Bank New York-i elnöke — Timothy F. Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Boris Johnson miniszterelnok — Prime Minister Boris Johnson Clinton volt amerikai elnök — former US President Clinton Noam Chomsky, a MIT professzora — Professor Noam Chomsky of MIT A Sheraton szálló — Hotel Sheraton A B épület — Block B C-vitamin — vitamin C 5.11 RELATIVE CLAUSES Hungarian relative clauses usually correspond to English relative clauses, but they may also correspond to postmodifying participle or infinitive clauses or prepositional phrase postmodifiers. This contrast leads to the underuse of participle and prepositional phrase postmodifiers by Hungarian learners. az az ember, aki éppen most érkezett — the man who has just arrived a tábornok, akit a hadsereg támogatott -— the general, (who was) supported by the army az a lány, aki az ablak mellett áll — the girl (who is) (standing) by the window nincs jel, ami arra utalna, hogy .... — there is nothing to suggest that ... +85 +»