HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH Hungarian English barna- ferfi man in the brown öltönyös suit a baloldalt ajtó the on the left levő door az ablak lány the girl | standing by the mellett álló window művelésre föld land suitable for alkalmas cultivation egyezmény I erőfeszítés effort | (made) to reach elérésére tett an agreement az az aki éppen the who has just ember, most man arrived érkezett These differences may cause fewer problems in oral communication, where noun phrases are not very heavily modified. However, they tend to lead to difficulties in written production and translating, particularly in the LI1-L2 direction. For this reason, most of the following sections, as well as the exercises, will focus on the problems that these structures may cause in Hungarian—English translation. 5.6 ADJECTIVAL ATTRIBUTES Adjectives precede the head noun both in English and Hungarian. However, in Hungarian they always precede the noun, while in English they are postposed in some cases: tulajdonképpeni irodalom — literature proper a jelenlevé tagok — the members present a rendelkezésünkre álló információ — the information available Adjectives will also be postposed in English if they have complements: művelésre alkalmas föld — land suitable for cultivation 5.6.1 Comparative adjectives Comparative adjectives are often used in Hungarian where there is no comparison involved. In such cases, English uses positive degree adjectives: +80 +