Chapter 1 CONTRASTIVE LINGUISTICS ——o— 1.1 LANGUAGES ARE DIFFERENT AT ALL LEVELS — A PREVIEW Learners of a foreign language will soon discover that their native language (L1) is different from the foreign language (L2). Indeed, ifyou compare two languages, you will see differences wherever you look: phonology, grammar, vocabulary, discourse patterns and pragmatics. Let us consider a few examples here. PHONOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES COMPARE /n/ AND /n/ IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN. DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. + Does /n/ exist as a speech sound/phoneme in Hungarian/English? + Whatis the difference? + Isthenin the Hungarian words nem, hint6, munka and sonka pronounced in the same way? « Can we pronounce the words harang, mereng, villong without pronouncing the final g? ¢ Do we pronounce the Hungarian word ring in the same way as English ring? + How difficult is it for Hungarian learners to acquire the correct pronunciation of this English speech sound in final and midposition, in words like sing, singer, singing, ring, ringing? + Do mistakes recur at later stages? GRAMMATICAL DIFFERENCES TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCES. COMPARE THE USE OF THE DEFINITE ARTICLE IN HUNGARIAN AND ENGLISH. Az idő pénz. A tudás hatalom. Az élet nehéz. A farmer élete nehéz. A várost a honfoglalás idején alapították. Az erődöt a római időkben építették. A tej fehér, a fű zöld, a rózsa piros, az ibolya kék. A tejes letette a tejet a küszöbre. Piros bort ittam az este. A bor, amelyet tegnap este ittam, piros volt. Túl magas a fű, le kell vágnom. A víz túl hideg volt. Miért nő a fű, és miért üvölt az oroszlán? s 15 e