FOREIGN DEMONS IN MONGOLIAN AND CENTRAL ASIAN BUDDHISM THROUGHOUT THE TIME influences. In this paper also the Tocharian word /u / luwo for “animal” is proposed as a Sino-Tibetan loanword since it looks and it functions as similar words in Altaic. Then in a newer layer there is a direct source in Tibetan Buddhist canon with proper name Langdarma and several syncretic processes incorporating theonym /uus not only for “dragons” or “spirits”, but connecting it with older /us with syncretic formation of new types of deities appearing in Mongolian Buddhist pantheon, in ritual habits and texts. And finally in modern times there are two marginal but intentional connections of Lenin (Slavic) + Langdarma (Tibetan) and Sinicized term for Sanskrit raksasa + Sinicized Slavic ethnonym for Russians in both cases with change r- > l-, i.e. = Ewenki Luuta / Luuéa “Russian; monster” with this ethnonym appearing also in Buryat. References PRIMARY SOURCES Cleaves, Francis Woodman: The Bodistw-a Cari-a Awatar-un Tayilbur of 1312 by Cosgi Odsir. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 17, 1954, 1-129. Fragments = Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nataka of the Xinjiang Museum, China. Transliterated, translated and annotated by Ji Xianlin in collaboration with Werner Winter and Georges-Jean Pinault. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1998. Haenisch, Erich: Mongolica der Berliner Turfan-Sammlung I. Ein buddhistisches Druckfragment vom Jahre 1312. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1954. Heissig, Walther: Die mongolische Steininschrift und Manuskriptfragmente aus Olon süme in der Inneren Mongolei. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1966. Srba, Ondfej: Paleograficka Citanka mongolskeho pisma klasickeho obdobi (17-20 stoleti) [Palaeographical Reader of Mongolian Script of Classical Period (17°—-20" Centuries)]. Filozoficka fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha 2017. SECONDARY SOURCES Adams, Douglas Q.: A Dictionary of Tocharian B. Rodopi, Amsterdam—Atlanta 1999. Auukuu, A. E. — Xenmumexnii, E. A.: Camoduücko-myneyco-manbaicypckue meKcuyeckue C6A3U. AZbIKU CIABAHCKON KyIBTypbI, MockBa 2007. Barat, Kahar: A Turkic Chinese Transcription System. In: Proceedings of the 38th Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC): Kawasaki, Japan: August 7-12, 1995. Ed. Stary, Giovanni. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1996, 5-83. Bawden, Charles: Mongolian-English Dictionary. Kegan Paul International, London-New York 1997. Bawden, Charles: The Modern History of Mongolia. Frederick A. Praeger, New York 1968. 46° Janhunen, Juha: Material on Manchurian Khamnigan Evenki. Helsinki 1991. 99