FOREIGN DEMONS IN MONGOLIAN AND CENTRAL ASIAN BUDDHISM THROUGHOUT THE TIME deity* or representation of another Indian and later Chinese deities (Skt. lokapdala/ Chin. ba fang tian )\ 77K, i.e. Indra, Jama, Varuna, Vaisravana, Isana, Homa/Agni, Nirrti, Väyu).”° In original Buddhist context the term /uus was used for translation of Skr. naga." a) Text from Turfan from 1312:? tegün-i ber Candiragomi baysi nomlarun. Burgan-u mör-tür duldud&u amitan-i uduridun jabduysan. ali tere sedkil-ün kücün yeketü kümün-e oldaqui. tere mör-i tngri-ner ülü olui asuris ber busu. gandarwis garudi kinari kiged luus-ud ber ülü oluyu. “And when Candiragomi baysi preached this, saying, “That way which is found by whatever man, of whom the might which inspires this thought is great, who decided to conduct the living beings by relying on the way of the Burqan, the tngri-ner do not find [it] and the asuris (asuras) and the others: the gandarwis (gandharvas), the garudi (garudas), the kinari (kinnaras) and the luus-ud (‘dragons’) do not find [it either],” b) Middle Mongol text Sayin tige-tti erdini-vin sang (= Sonom Gara’s prose translation of the Tibetan Sa skya Legs bshad from Sa skya Pandita), Srn 157c:* luus-un kiciyejü oroyuluysan qura-yi: tariyacin öber-ün öljei kemen sedkimüi “The farmer thinks that the rain that the dragons eagerly let fall is his own good luck” c) about 1800: Molon toyin-u eke-degen tusa kürgegsen sudur “Sutra about Molon toyin-u gratefullness to his mother"? [26r] tendece amin gabiy-a-tu molun toyin ridi qubilyanu nidün-iyer amitan tamu-yyin orun-i üjebesü Jabsar-ügei tere tamu-yin orun inü kemebesü eyin ugaydaqui: masi jobalang-tu jayayan-u kücün-ece boluysan masi yeke öndür böged: dörben yeke gayaly-a-luy-a tegüsügsen yeke gota buyu: tere gota-u gayaly-a-tur luus baras moyai arsalan ötege irbis Cinu-a Cögebüri mig-a idegci sibayun kiged ba: M Cf. Insaacamöyy, T.: JIyc, casda2, yyn, 0600Hv1 maxunevin san yün. Ynaanbaarap 2011. 25 Srba, Ondiej: Paleograficka citanka mongolského pisma klasickeho obdobi (17.-20. stoleti). Filozofickä fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha 2017, 61. Shögaito, Masahiro: On Uighur elements in Buddhist Mongolian Texts. The Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko 49, 1991, 34-35. Haenisch, Erich: Mongolica der Berliner Turfan-Sammlung 1. Ein buddhistisches Druckfragment vom Jahre 1312. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1954, 13. Improved transcription and English translation from: Cleaves, Francis Woodman: The Bodistw-a Cari-a Awatar-un Tayilbur ... Kara, Gyorgy: Dictionary of Sonom Gara ’s Erdeniy-in Sang. A Middle Mongol Version of the Tibetan Sa skya Legs bshad. Mongol-English-Tibetan. Brill, Leiden — Boston 2009, 170. 5 Srba, Ondrej: Paleograficka citanka mongolského pisma klasickeho obdobi (17-20. stoleti). Filozoficka fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha 2017, 107, 111, English translation was authorized by O. Srba for this article. 26 27 28 95