OTGON BORJIGIN 1305, the omniscient monk Chos kyi "od zer, or Choiji-Odsor in modern Mongolian, translated it into Mongolian. Thereafter, from the beginning of the 14" century up to the 19" century, different prints, manuscripts and even retranslated versions of the Bodhicaryavatara appeared at different times and in different places, but only some of them have come down to us intact or partially intact. They are: Commentary of the Bodistw-a Cari-a Awatar of 1312 by Chos kyi ‘od zer (BcaT), namely, the last twelve leaves of the Mongolian text in the Berlin Turfan collection;? the 15"-century fragments from Olon siime (OS); ? the late 16" or early 17" century manuscript in New Delhi (L6), known as the earliest complete text of the Mongolian Bodhicaryavatara;' the manuscript kept in the Royal Library Copenhagen under the signature Mong. 480 (M480), a repeat of a text prior to the Zanjur-print of 1748;° the manuscript of A. O. Kovalevskii (K),°containing the translation of Chos kyi ‘od zer, corrected in an insignificant degree by the Urat Gusi Bilig-tin Dalai at the beginning of the 18" ? Haenisch, Erich: Mongolica der Berliner Turfan-Sammlung I: Ein buddhistisches Druckfragment vom Jahre 1312. ADAW. 1953, Nr. 3. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1954, 24 Tafeln; Cleaves, Francis Woodman: “The Bodistw-a Cari-a Awatar-un Tayilbur of 1312 by Cosgi Odsir.” HJAS 17 (1954), 1-129; Damdinsürüng, Ce.: Mongyol uran jokiyal-un degeji jayun bilig orusibai. Ulayanbayatur 1959, 146152; Ligeti, Lajos (ed.): Mongol Nyelvemlektar I. ELTE Belsö-azsiai Tanszek, Budapest 1963, 25-43; Ligeti, Louis (ed.): Monumenta Linguae Mongolicae Collecta. Il. 1. Akadémiai Kiadö, Budapest 1972, 115-134; Heissig, Walther — Sagaster, Klaus: Mongolische Handschriften, Blockdrucke, Landkarten. Wiesbaden 1961, Nr. 293; Weller, Friedrich: Zum Blockdruckfragmente des mong. Bodhicaryavatara der Berliner Turfansammlung. Berlin 1955; Weller, Friedrich: Anfragen eines Nichtmonglisten an den Mongolisten. Central Asiatic Journal 3 (1957): 23-61; Poppe, Nicholas: Antworten auf Professor Fr. Wellers Fragen. Central Asiatic Journal 7 (1962), 42-59; Ligeti, Louis: Le fragment de 1312 du Bodhicaryävatära et les versions K et T. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 23 (1970), 267-282; Taube, Manfred: Nachlese zum mong. Turfanfragment des Bodhicaryavatara. In: Tibetan and Buddhist Studies 2. Ed. Ligeti, L. Budapest 1984, 327-339; Cerensodnom, Dalantai — Taube, Manfred: Die Mongolica der Berliner Turfansammlung. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1993, Nr. 10-21; Dobu: Uyiyurjin mongyol üsüg-ün durasgaltu bicig-ud. Begejing, 1987, 34-78. ? Egami, Namio: Ajia bunkashi kenkyü. Ronkö-hen, Tökyö 1967, 158; Hattori Shirö: Oron Sumu shutsudo no Mökogo bunsho ni tsuite. 76hö gakuhö X1 (1940), 257-278; Heissig, Walther: Die mongolischen Handschriften-Reste aus Olon süme, Innere Mongolei (16. — 17. Jhat.). (Asiatische Forschungen 46) Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1976; De Jong, Jan Willem: Rev. of Die mongolischen HandscchriftenReste aus Olon süme, Innere Mongolei (16-17. Jhdt.), by W. Heissig. Indo-Iranian Journal 20 (1978), 130-134. Chandra, Lokesh (ed.): Bodhicaryavatara. 1. Pre-canonical Mongolian Text. 2. Tibetan Commentary by Blo-bzan-dpal-Idan. Sata-Pitaka Series 230. New Delhi 1976; Heissig, Walther: A Rare Mongolian Bodhicaryavatara-ms. in New Delhi. Studies in South East and Central Asia. New Delhi 1968, 45-51. Heissig, Walther: Die mongolischen Handschriften-Reste aus Olon süme, Innere Mongolei (16.-17. Jhdt.). (Asiatische Forschungen 46) Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1976, 67-129; Chandra, Lokesh (ed.): Bodhicaryavatara..., Preface. Vladimircov, B. Ya. Bodhicaryävatära Cantideva. Mongol skii perevod Chos-kyi hod-zer’a. 1. Tekst. Bibl. Buddhica XXVIII. Leninggrad, 1929. I-IV; Cleaves, Francis Woodman: The Bodistw-a Cari-a Awatar-un Tayilbur ...; Heissig, Walter: Die mongolischen Handscchriften-Reste ..., 236. 78