OIOYH VXAAHBI TYXAÏ 3YAPJIDCOH XDJIDTUAH VTTIH OHMJIOT TIX3 TOANTOHTOOP yXaaHbIf TEAIEBHNYYIICaH OalHa. “Toro MIX” TIX3N TONTOÜT yXaaHbI OPOH T»K OMJITONOT Naryy Hb X3JIC9H. XapHH “TONTOÄTOO TIYX” TIXIN TONITour yxaaHbI OpoH TI9ATMÜT Icpar yrraap Hb 6aTaık 6alina. Tonpyyaoan, XYHHŰ ŐHEHŰH 3PXT3H ŐOJIOX Torroï HE Gaïraa X3AHÜ 4 YXAAHBI OPOHTOO AJICAH T9COH CaHaATaÏ. DHSANISH "TOJITOÁTOO T93X, TOATOHTOO TAH3ATalaX, TONTOMTYA 60JI0X, TOJITOÁTOOPOO XOJI XHŰX" TJX3JI TOITOH X9M99T4Y yXaaHbI OPOH Hb OEPT XAMAATAÏ yHAII9 XUMK IPXIIDK yanaxryH Galiraar ceper YH3IIMIKIIP Hb MIIIPXMÄIDK OaiiHa. “TOATONTOO TaH3araıax” TIX31 ONE, YXaaHbIT 33P9TLYYJI3H TOJIOOJIYYIDK OalHa. Toapyyııdan, “Tysıa TaH3arallax” T39B31 MOPUHBI X0&p XaBHpTaHı yHacaH xYHMÜX Hb rysac eep Xaparyax IOMryii raH3ara Hb XOOCOH OaiiHa TIC9H OMNTONTBIT XIJDK33. DHSAISH “TOITOËrOO raH3araJ1ax” TICHAÏT APXH HaPC X2TPYYIDK YYCHAAC 3CBON YA ralllyy IOM yy, YX3JI 30BJIOH 39p9Fr 3YÜJI TOXHOHICOHOOC E8PAÂH TX YXAAH MAI YA Gonx, Gnes x5BnÜH GaüuIaap aBu 4Bax gazBapryh 6o1cOHTOË xo100H TaÂ]6GAPIIAX GozHo. Ep XYHHÏ H9T9H AAMN, MOHTON XYH YXAaH CAHAA, ONOOTHAH GHAHAË HIPIDIT OÙ CaHaMX MOT OIOYH OHJITHAH HAJAMXK LO9KHHÜ XOHAUAA CaJAT MITI3P TOCOOMXK Gañx99. VriMaap XYHH TAHHH M9HA9XYA XOTKHXHÜH X2P29P “YXAAHBI OPOH” HB Torroû TapxuH1 6yA rox oMnronor Gorcon GañHa. DH3 MIT TaHHJIT HE AIITIPIH TYH3TUMP3XHÜH X9P33P, X9p9B XK. JIakobbbIH JoBnnyyJIc3H “conceptual metaphor”BIH APTBIT X9P9T19BOI “ Vxaan bon xodoneoon ıom. Yxaan 6on opon saü tom. Yxaan 60 9puum Xyu Mon” T3COH XHACB9P MeTabop yycoxX GorHo rx y39%X Gaïa. Resume Metaphors related to the Mind. In this article we aimed to explain the features of metaphors related to the mind, and considered a reason why they are accustomed. Conceptions to represent the place of the mind are the head and the chest. This conception exists even nowadays. Usually, in the upper part of the chest is a place for the mind, also in head and brain. Eye, ear, mouth, nose and skin also comprise the head as sensitive organs. Meanwhile in the lower side of the chest exist the heart, the lung and the lever, as important organs. From ancient times, human beings have supposed that thinking potency and memory exist in the chest and in the stomach. In this aspect, Mongols have a tradition to consider the head and the chest respectfully. Generally, the Mongols imagined that the mind and memory exist in the chest cavity. Consequently, as a result of cognitive development, they had understood that “the place of mind” is in the brain. As a result of expansion and deepening of such understanding, we use the theory and the method of “conceptual metaphor” defined by J. Lakoff, an abstract metaphor appeared as “The mind is motion. The mind is space. The mind is energy.” 75