CZECHOSLOVAK ACADEMIC STUDY OF BUDDHISM IN THE 1950s AND 1960s: FIELD RESEARCH IN ASIA Fig. 9. Stupa Consecration Ceremony, Gandantegchinling Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 9" July 1958. There is a monk with the mandala offering in his left hand and the pot with peacock tail feathers in his left hand. Photographed by Lumir Jisl, inventory no. 0468a. This interesting picture is preserved in two versions (two negatives); this one was recently published for the first time In: Bélka Lubo8: Ceskoslovensk& studium buddhismu v padesätych a Sedesätych letech 20. stoleti: Bädäni v Asii [Czechoslovak Academic Study of Buddhism in the 1950s and 1960s: Field Research in Asia]. In: Keëka, Roman — Benickä, Jana (eds.): Medzi vychodom a zäpadom: Multikulturne procesy, migräcia a näbozenstvo v strednej Eurôpe. Chronos, Bratislava 2014, Fig. 9, p. 109. And the second version of the photograph was published only in the English and German version of Jisl’s book (see his Mongolian Journey and Mongolei. Kunst und Tradition, 1960, Fig. 129). We may ask: Why did L. Jisl decide to publish the second picture? Is it because of the presence of a European lady, Anna Vasilieva, the Russian wife of the first Mongolian architect B. Cihmid in the center of the first picture? There is no answer, because L. Jisl never mentioned the woman in his writings. The lady’s presence amongst the monks looks entirely normal; she is in a vivid discussion with Lama Dorjzhaltsan maranba. Fig. 10. Stupa Consecration Ceremony, Gandantegchinling Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 9" July 1958. This picture was published only in the English and German mutation of Jisl’s book. Photographed by Lumir Jisl, inventory no. 0468b.