CZECHOSLOVAK ACADEMIC STUDY OF BUDDHISM IN THE 1950s AND 1960s: FIELD RESEARCH IN ASIA Fig. 1. Byambin Rinchen (on the right) in conversation with the abbot of Gandantegchinling Monastery N. Erdenepel in Ulaanbaatar. The discussion took place on Sükhbaatar Square, just two days after the Stupa Consecration Ceremony, on 11" July 1958. The military parade during the celebration of the People’s Revolution opened the naadam. Photographed by Lumir Jisl, inventory no. 0193. This photograph was published for the first time In: Bélka, LuboS — KapisSovska, Veronika — Chuluun, Sampildondov (eds.): 108 Images of Mongolia: The Photographs of Czechoslovak Archaeologist Lumir Jisl 1957-1963. Admon, Ulaanbaatar 2014, Fig. 91, p. 69. Fig. 2. Stupa Consecration Ceremony, Gandantegchinling Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 9 July 1958. Situation just before the opening the Buddha’s depiction at the top of the structure (hidden behind the dark cloth). Photographed by Lumir Jisl, inventory no. 0466. This photograph was published only in the English and German version of Jisl’s book (see his Mongolian Journey and Mongolei. Kunst und Tradition, 1960, Fig. 126) and recently In: Bélka, L.— KapiSovska, V. — Chuluun, S. (ed.): /08 Images of Mongolia, Fig. 92, p. 70. 431