Lusos BELKA below average. The reasons are obvious. First it was the isolation from Western science after 1948 and radical restriction of academic freedoms, accompanied by imputation and indoctrination of Marxist-Leninist approach which was reflected in the so-called “scientific atheism” in the study of religions. Closing of the iron curtain on the Western border of the “camp of peace and socialism” did not bring full-fledged scientific cooperation within the region. Similarly to the development of industry, also science development was planned; free thought was replaced with fulfillment ofthe “state plan of scientific research”. Scientific results were analogous to other industries: they fell behind in comparison with the free world. Conclusion The text focuses on the process of establishing a new branch of the scientific research in Czechoslovakia in 1945 to 1989, i.e. the Academic Study of Religions. Special focus is on the Czechoslovak Academic Study of Buddhism (Buddhology) in the field study in Mongolia. This is a case study about Lumir Jisl’s field research in Gandantegchinling, Ulaanbaatar in summer 1958, which shows advantages as well as disadvantages of such an approach. The contribution is based on both the published and unpublished scientific heritage, i.e. archive materials found in L. Jisl’s family archive. Bibliography Atwood, Christopher: Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire. Fact on File, New York 2004. Anonymus: Buddhism in Mongolia: Historical Review. Gandantegchinling Monastery, Ulaanbaatar 1979. Bëlka, Luboë: The Life and Work of Lumir Jisl. 208 Images of Mongolia: The Photographs of Czechoslovak Archaeologist Lumir Jisl 1957-1963. Admon, Ulaanbaatar 2014, pp. 9-13. Bélka LuboS: Ceskoslovensk& studium buddhismu v padesätych a Sedesätych letech 20. stoleti: Badani v Asii [Czechoslovak Academic Study of Buddhism in the 1950s and 1960s: Field Research in Asia]. Ke¢éka, Roman — Benicka, Jana (ed.): Medzi vychodom a zapadom: Multikultürne procesy, migracia a nabozenstvo v strednej Euröpe. Chronos, Bratislava 2014, pp. 90-114. Bélka, Lubos: "Mongolia at last! I’m at the Threshold of the Great Goal of my Life’: Lumir Jisl and Ulaanbaatar in the Summer of 1957. Ulaanbaatar 1957-1963: Testimony of Lumir Jis!. Admon, Ulaanbaatar 2015, pp. 23-29. Bentor, Yael: Consecration of Images and Stupas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism (Brill’s Indological Library, Vol. 11). Brill, Leiden 1996. 426