ZSUZSA MAJER with the ceremony of destroying a replacement or substitute for the dead or sick person, joliy, Tib. glud) and several rituals in which the connection (symbolically a rope, these rituals usually also include a ransom figure) between the patient and the malevolent spirits that caused the illness, or, in case of a dead person, connection or attachment between the dead and the living are detached or cut off (texts of “Tearing off the clasping hands of the living and the dead’, “Cutting off the black noose of a fiend’, and ‘Cutting off the Lasso’), as well as the text aimed at averting the occurrence of further death entitled ‘Stopping up the Hole’ (Nüke böglekü, the hole being the symbolical hole or mouth of death). To mention studies on ethnographical and anthropological issues published lately, Humphrey analyzed the connection between death and personal property in Mongolian death rituals in the socialist 19805", including rites concerned with the deceased’s relations with personal objects aiming at separation from this life and material belongings (for example the dealing with xorgodoson yum, the particular object the spirit or soul of the deceased remains emotionally attached, and which should be destroyed or given away after death). Delaplace published two articles and a book in French*! on modern Mongolian burials and related topics, among them the article” published on the allocation of land for the installation of a dead person among Dérwéd herders (depending on the results of consultation with the help of the Altan saw, the choice of the exact place made during another ritual ‘requesting the land’, gajar guix, and also taking into consideration the ‘permanently taken’ places, salantai gajar, having already been requested with the proper rituals). At the Department of Inner-Asian Studies, ELTE, Zsuzsanna Simonkay wrote her MA thesis on the Mongolian Traditions Concerning Death and Burial**, which summarizes well the connected Mongolian customs. As for the works in Mongolian, these include publications on broader topics but also containing information on burial practices, such as the encyclopaedias on Humphrey, Caroline: Rituals of Death as a Context for Understanding Personal Property in Socialist Mongolia. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Vol. 8, No. 1 (Mar., 2002), pp. 65-87 (accessed on 12 January, 2014). http://innerasiaresearch.org/CHsite/pdfs/Humphrey-JRAI2002.pdf. Delaplace, Grégory: The Place of the Dead: Power, Subjectivity and Funerary Topography in NorthWestern Mongolia. In: States of Mind: Power, Places and the Subject in Inner Asia. Ed. David Sneath. Western Washington University Press, Bellingham 2006, pp. 47-62 (accessed on 12 January 2014). https://www.academia.edu/648505/The_place_of the dead_Power_subjectivity_and_funerary_topography_ in North-Western Mongolia; Delaplace, Grégory: L'invention des morts. Sépultures, fantômes et photographie en Mongolie contemporaine. Sems EPHE, Paris 2009. Delaplace, Grégory: The Place of the Dead: Power, Subjectivity and Funerary Topography in NorthWestern Mongolia. In: States of Mind: Power, Places and the Subject in Inner Asia. Ed. David Sneath. Western Washington University Press, Bellingham, 2006, pp. 47-62 (accessed on 12 January 2014). https://www.academia.edu/648505/The_place_of the dead_Power_subjectivity_and_funerary_topography_in North-Western Mongolia. Simonkay, Zsuzsanna: Haldllal, temetéssel kapcsolatos szokások. 354