BUDDHIST BLESSINGS IN THE ALPHABETICAL LI SHIT I GUR KHANG DICTIONARY Natalia Yakhontova Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, St. Petersburg The Lishi’i Gur khang' is a well-known dictionary of old and new Tibetan words which was compiled in 1476 by Skyogs ston lo tsa ba Rin chen bkra shis. His work was later translated into Mongolian by Shes rab rgya mtsho (or Bilig-tin dalai in Mongolian) and the Mongolian title Lisi-vin ordu qarsi? was added. The bilingual text was printed in Beijing in 1742.* This xylograph? is kept at many manuscript collections.° At the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (St. Petersburg) we have not only the xylograph but three manuscript copies of this dictionary as well.’ The printed Tibetan-Mongolian dictionary consists of a preface — a brief description of the three language reforms in Tibet, the main body — a list of words, and two Its full Tibetan title is Bod kyi skad las gsar rnying gi brda’i khyad par ston pa legs par bshad pa li shi’i gur khang zhes bya ba. Buagumupuos, b. A.: O THÖETCKO-MOHTONBCKOM cIOBape Li-çihi gur-khañ. In: Yox1ade1 AH CCCP. Jlennurpay 1926, mapr-anpens, pp. 27-30; Heissig, Walther: Die Pekinger lamaistischen Blockdrucke in Mongolischer Sprache. In: Göttinger Asiatische Forschungen. Band 2. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1954, p. 88. Its full Mongolian title is Tébed kelen-ti sine qayucin ayalyus-un ilyal-i tijiigiiltigci sayin tigetti Lisi-yin ordu garsi kemegdekü orosiba. As it is dated by P. Grokhovskiy: [poxosckui, Il. Jl.: “TBo31uYHBIH 3amoK” — HCTOYHHK IIO UCTOPHYecKoH JIEKCHKOJIOTUH TUÖETCKOTO A3bIKa. In: Modepnusayua u mpaduyuu: XXVI mescoynapodnaa nayunaa KOHepehyusa no ucmounuKko8edenuro u ucmopuoepapbuu cmpan Asuu u Adbpuku, 20-22 anpena 2011. Caaxr-Ilerep6ypr 2011, pp. 235-236. The different date is 1536 in Taube, Manfred: Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke. Teil 1-4. In: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Bd. 11, 1-4. Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden 1966. I am really grateful to Hungarian scholars Alice Sárközi and József Terjék for the possibility to use their unpublished work on Li shi’i Gur khang. Kara, Gyérgy: Mongolian and Manchu Manuscripts and Blockprints in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, XLVII, ed. Hazai, György.) Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 2000, p. 22, Mong. 9; Uspensky, V. L. (comp.): Catalogue of the Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs in the St. Petersburg State University Library. Ed. Nakami Tatsuo. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo 1999, p. 431, No 833. Only one of the copies (call number H 370) was included in the catalogue compiled by A. G. Sazykin: Caz3rikux, A. T.: Kamanoe moneonockux pykonuceü u Kkcunoepadboe Hncmumyma 6eocmokosedenun Axademuu uayk CCCP. T. 1. Hsnarenscrso «Hayka». TaBHası penakıma BOCTOYHOH JIATEPATYPEI, Mocksa 1988, p. 266, No 1485. Two other manuscripts (call number Q 4730 and Q 4700) and the xylograph (call number Q 4734) were moved to the Mongolian collection from the Tibetan one after the catalogue had been published. 229