MATTHEW WILLIAM KING This exhibits the increase of the essence of the white and red elements. The door of the steppe opens from the direction of the Mother Goddess.”° This displays encouragement in psychic inner heat?’ By means of the downward voiding wind.” In front of the mountain peaks is an area that looks like a hair-tuft.” This shows the tip of the central channel*° penetrating the forehead. Two rivers flow along the right and left sides. This symbolizes that the white and red elements are in the ro ma and rkyang ma." In summary: The “E”-[shaped] peak of the back-mountain Is in union with the “WAM”-(shaped) lake on the steppe. It is as if the essence of the divisions of the Dharma” Have appeared as form and gathered here in this land, [All] with a particularly marvelous arrangement. In this abode, the Dharma activity of the samgha And [the activity of lay] subjects are in agreement. They (all) practice the Ten Virtues. Furthermore, from knowing the auspicious circumstances of this abode, Where it is easy to accomplish [all virtues and attainments], Everyone should practice the Dharma! Having understood the naturally arisen good qualities and methods, [391] With a happy mind, the local land-owner spirits,** Gods, nagas, and demons [should] urgently [provide] The sentient beings of this area with conducive conditions and support. May the collection of prosperity and wellbeing of Sentient beings increase like a summer lake! May the discipline of the monastic precepts be stable like a mountain! May the practice of both siitrayana and tantrayana be like a very thick, joyful garden! May auspiciousness continuously grow ever greater! Colophon: This praise to the region of Tashi Tsépel Ling, the Drépung Monastery of Khalkha, which is called Opening the Door of Happiness to Religion and Politics, was written by Venerable Sam twa Wagindra Bhatu Siddha [ie. Ngakwang Khedrup]. 26 Tib. ma lha. Tib. gtum mo. For example the wind comes through that “door” and produces cold, which encourages practice of tummo to become warm. Tib. mdzod spu. Abbreviation of “hair-treasure between the eyebrows” (Tib. smin mtshams kyi mdzod spu i phrag). One of the bodily signs of a fully enlightened Buddha. Says Tib. dbu ma, but should rtsa dbu ma, “central channel.” For example the right and left channels. Tib. chos phung. » Tib. gzhi bdag. 144