T. BULGAN Among his spiritual works, “Prayers for subduing time crisis (Cagig toxinülax jalbiral), the Subtle meditation instruction on Maani mantra” (Manin giin biitel) and Soyombo script (Self-manifest Mongolian script) were taken utmost places from their composition time up to now. Concerning his work entitled Prayers for subduing time crisis, he proclaimed the principles of peace and harmony, asking his gurus the following: “For the sake of full elimination of darkness of ignorance, And for the full spreading of light of wisdom of Omniscience for all sentient beings, Please save all of us who are born in very bad circumstances (rebirths) And who were affected mostly by the deep darkness of the degenerated times, Let it be done to bring about extensively accomplishment of good happiness and harmony. Through the way of cultivating kindness and compassion without any anger to each other, And by pacifying all the great fire of different kinds of suffering, That resulted from defilements and bad karma and come true in time.” In this context, he outlined that the best way to solve problems, crisis and sufferings somebody is faced is the way of compassion and wisdom of the mind of humanity, and by the method of non-violence, but not by violence and ignorance etc. In addition, he explained the meaning of degenerated time and the way to overcome any bad time in connection with the right understanding of the practices of inner development of the human mind, not only body, which is explained in sutra and tantra doctrines, namely in Kalachakra tenets of Buddhism. Finally, he found that the best way to solve any problems and issues in inner and outside is to adhere the way of non-hatred, non-attachment and non-delusion based on NON-VIOLENCE principles for the benefit and well being of the Universe including Mongolia as well as in any critical time and tension faced to any nations and human P. Bam6aa: JIyecancodoescamy aepamövın Öymaanuün aMxamean. Mourom Ovstur IyBpan, Yıaan6aarap 2007; IT. Namnuncyp3Hu: Co&m6o year. In: [Uunsenax yxaan comeyya. Ynaau6aatap 1944; b. Powaun: Co&m60 T9MAIT 601 MOHTONBIH ap TYMHHÄ Tycraap TOTTHONBIH 69119 Tomgor MoH. IlJunsıcnax yxaan cameyyAa, Ynaau6aarap 1945; Punuen: H3 naweeo kynomypno2o nacredus. Vaau-barop 1958; b. bonncaúxanH HapbIH: Codmövın nyyy 6a cunepeemux. Yıaau6aarap 2007; J1. Jlaaxas: Anman coëm6o apea 6uneuün yxaan. Ynaau6aaTap 1996; Il. Ipaaua6ar: Ipdanam coemövIn ymea maüundapvın mosuoon opusoü. Ynaau6aaTap; Ilnpn6asap: Coéu6o 3040u Xam29209x Moneon Yceuün 2Yh ymebile MUÜH H2924 3anadasapeın maanneoın vum32 opweoü, ]lagrazapxaa 3yyrnäx ram: Coëm6o 3040u x2M99x Moneon yceuün muün aeyynan, YN3MC Y33xyü mawud yazaan 3YyH ycsomuün 3px baanae opueoü, JIyBcaHco1oB xaMu (Uoïropx, Vrai am): Yig bshad gsal ba’i me long zhes bya ba bzhug so, Swa yam bhu jyo tii yig shad e wam phyag rgya rnam gsal, Swa yam bhu jyo ti’i phyag rgyar gsol ‘debs kyi sgo nas zab lam bla ma’i rnal ‘byor bsgom par dod pa, E wam phyag rgya bzens tsul gyi bri’e and so on. 54