INTRODUCTION In comparison with other volumes devoted to similar topic there is one more peculiarity in the present book, explicitly that it contains not only traditionally prepared articles, but also some researchers’ papers in a separate section. These papers are mainly — but not exclusively — written by Lamas and Buddhist practitioners and will be the starting point for further research in the future as important source material. Concerning the transcription, we made some necessary academic standardisation of Mongolian, Tibetan, and Sanskrit names and terms, however, if the context in a particular contribution required it, some variants might appear as well. As many of the articles are illustrated with a considerable amount of photos, depictions of images, scenes of field researches, we included — according to the tradition of our Department’ — a CD attachment to the book with all the images.* ÂGNES BIRTALAN Department of Mongolian and Inner Asian Studies Eötvös Loránd University ? Cf. E. g. Védelmező istenségek és démonok Mongóliában és Tibetben. (Őseink nyomán Belső-Ázsiában IV.) Ed. Birtalan, Agnes — Kelényi, Béla — Szilagyi, Zsolt. L’Harmattan, Budapest 2010. [Protecting Deities and Demons in Mongolia and Tibet.] The authors were kindly asked to ensure the copyright of their photos. 12