296 ANDRÁS TAKÁCS-SÁNTA We offer materials about all aspects of our life that may lend help for developing an alternative complex ecological way of living. Since spring 2020, we have been posting dozens of concrete pointers for collective action. The Wayout manual will be built partly from these concrete recommendations for action — hopefully to be published in the near future with a narrower focus than originally intended. Age of prophets It is in everyones interest to transition as smoothly as possible from consumerist culture to a new ecological culture (Takäcs-Sänta 2016b). At present, we are living in a transitional period and a period of transition is always an age of prophets. It is the historical situation that calls prophets to life. When the sense of responsibility is awakened in a person by the crisis, he/she cannot help becoming a prophet, as he/she has no other choice (Fromm 1986). But at the same time, prophets must not be over-mystified: their job is not to change the world alone; it is enough for most of them to concentrate on their own context, their own settlement. They must spread values such as ecological sustainability, moderate living, love of the place, importance of the community, solidarity and civilian courage in their narrow environment. In the spirit of these values and of a new ecological worldview, they have to join forces with others to build a new social and economic establishment that is more ecological and just than what exists today. Bibliography Csányi, Vilmos 2002. Az egyszemélyes csoportok és a globalizáció [One-person groups and globalization]. Magyar Tudomány, 109/6: 762—774. Farkas, Judit 2017. Leválni a köldökzsinórról — Ökofalvak Magyarországon [Coming off the umbilical cord — Ecovillages in Hungary]. Budapest, LHarmattan. Fromm, Erich 1986. Propheten und Priester. In Fromm, Erich: Über den Ungehorsam und andere Essays. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 39-42. Jacsé, Eniké 2013. Szivességbankok [LETS]. www.humusz.hu/sites/default/files/ Dokumentumok/kozossegek/szivessegbank_kiskozossegi_program.pdf Kajner, Péter — Lanyi, Andras — Takács-Sánta, András et al. 2013. A fenntarthatóság felé való átmenet jó példái Magyarországon [Good examples of transition to sustainability in Hungary]. www.nfft.hu/documents/1238941/1240165/NFFT_mt_18_ Fenntarthatosagi_jo_peldak_2013.pdf/ Légman, Anna 2012. Kézésségképek [Images of communities]. In Kovach, Imre — Dupcsik, Csaba — P. Tóth, Tamás — Takács, Judit (eds.): Társadalmi integráció a jelenkori Magyarországon — Tanulmányok. Budapest, Argumentum — MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont, Szociológiai Intézet, 357—368. Marean, Curtis W. 2015. "An evolutionary anthropological perspective on modern human origins”. Annual Review of Anthropology, 44: 533-556. McNeill, John R. 2000. Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth Century, New York, WW. Norton and Company. Meltzer, Graham 2005. Sustainable Community — Learning from the Cohousing Model. Victoria, Trafford Publishing.