Nature, Art, ACTIVISM 235 that could find a way out of the impasse. The ACLIM! agents profess that we have to discard the petrified schemes of thinking in order to liberate the climate imagination. That, in turn, is dependent on a new ideal of knowledge in which scholarship is paired with intuition, emotional intelligence, bodily experiences, artistic knowledge and dialogue. What is at stake is the survival of our home.””” This endeavor, the fusion of scientific results with artistic tools and their communication, is one of the main ambitions of environmental art. Artists for Climate Consciousness was started by two Hungarian poets, Péter Zävada and Janos Afra. Both were shocked by the climate reports for 2019, followed the activity of the Fridays For Future and Extinction Rebellion ecological movements, and their translation work also inspired them to do something with the means of art. Their aim was to launch an all-round artistic movement, so in August 2019 they created the Artists for Climate Consciousness Facebook group and announced a call for artists 1) to post a work, 2) to make a pledge to be environmentally conscious, 3) to call on three other people to do the same. They did not want to form a group of their own, but rather to weave a web: everyone complying with the three points of the call becomes part of the network. Their aim is: “to contribute with their own tools to spreading information, so that people won't sweep the issue aside. Let us take our stand for something, not against something. We must encourage people to ponder, to assume responsibility, because only our individual decisions will force larger powers (companies, politicians) to act.” Their activity moved beyond the online space as well. In September 2019, they organized a poetry reading and roundtable discussion night in Trafé (Trafé Performing Arts Theatre, Budapest), where environmentalists, philosophers and poets discussed questions of climate and sustainability and the tasks of artists. In February 2020, they staged a discussion on the clivn ? mate issue and the artistic representaRDŐ Á A tion of the theme with the title Price EKEDES = KLIMAKRIZIS? of a Forest. Economic growth = CliF mate crisis? during the Budapest Slam poetry nights, with the participation of climate experts, politicians and artists. The poster read: “Attendance is free. Attendance is demonstration” Figure 7. The poster of the slam poetry evening. Source: https:// www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid= 3297117020304228&set= gm.477902369757414&idorvanity= 464276491120002 27 https://archive.offbiennale.hu/2021/projects/aclim.html. 28 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000667 14901803