THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LANDSCAPE IN THE RESEARCH OF ENVIRONMENTAL HUMANITIES 189 Recommended readings Howard, Peter — Thompson, Ian — Waterton, Emma — Atha, Mick (eds.) 2019. The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. Second Edition. London — New York, Routledge. This book sums up diverse scientific and non-scientific ideas of the landscape in 47 chapters, offering a broad overview of the landscape conceptions of diverse fields of scholarship from aesthetics through law and archaeology to geography. It is an excellent starting point for those interested in this topic. Aston, Michael 2002. Interpreting the Landscape. Landscape Archaeology and Local History. London — New York, Routledge — Taylor & Francis. A beautifully written, inspiring, richly illustrated book on the study of the structure of a landscape. It is recommended to all who wish to delve into the examination of the realm of forms of the Earth’s surface. A „classic” for those interested in questions of history, archaeology and historical ethnography, not specifically to gain data, but to acquire a foundation in outlook and methodology. Bibliography Albert, Réka 1997. Tájak és nemzetek. Kísérlet a , nemzeti táj" fogalmának antropológiai megközelítésére ILandscapes and nations. An attempt to conceive of the , national landscape” from the angle of anthropology]. Budapest, MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete, Etnoregionális Központ. Anati, Emmanuel 1961. Camonica Valley. Village Life in the Alps from Neolithic Times to the Birth of Christ as Revealed by Thousands of Newly Found Rock Carvings. New York, Knopf, Alfred A. Andrásfalvy, Bertalan 1988. , Néphagyomány és önkormányzat" [Folk traditions and self-government]. 7er és Térsadalom, 2/2: 77-82. Antrop, Marc 2019. A Brief History of Landscape Research. In Howard, Peter — Thompson, Ian — Waterton, Emma - Atha, Mick (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. Second Edition. London — New York, Routledge, 1-15. Aston, Michael 2002. Interpreting the Landscape. Landscape Archaeology and Local History. London — New York, Routledge — Taylor & Francis. Atha, Mick — Howard, Peter — Thompson, Ian — Waterton, Emma 2013. Introduction: ways of knowing and being with landscapes: a beginning. In Howard, Peter — Thompson, Ian — Waterton, Emma — Atha, Mick (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies Second edition. London — New York: Routledge, xix—xxviii. Babai, Dániel — Molnár, Ábel — Molnár, Zsolt 2014. , Ahogy gondozza úgy veszi hasznát". Hagyományos ökológiai tudás és gazdálkodás Gyimesben [As you sow, so shall you reap. Traditional ecological knowledge and husbandry in Gyimes]. Budapest, MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Néprajztudományi Intézet. Benkő, Loránd 1976. A magyar nyelv törteneti-etimolögiai szötdra [Historical etymological dictionary of the Hungarian languagel III. Ö-Zs. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó. Békési, Sándor 2009. , Fennséges Pocsolya: A Fertő. Egy táj kultúr- és szemlélettörténetéről" [Majestic mire: Lake Ferté. The cultural and interpretive history of a landscape]. Soproni Szemle, 63/2: 185-202. Békési, Sandor 1999. ,,A taj elmuldsai” [The demises of a landscape]. Liger, 12/1: 56-63. Borelli, Nunzia — Davis, Peter 2012. How Culture Shapes Nature: Reflections on Ecomuseum Practices. .Nature and Culture, 7/1: 31—47. Borsos, Balázs 2002. , A régi jó régió". A magyar népi kultúra számítógép meghatározta területei egységeinek elnevezése kérdéséről [The good old region. How to define the