10 — JUDIT FARKAS became involved with EH. As a cultural anthropologist interested in environmental matters, I feel in my element in it. Its approach is familiar, resembling the approach and value system of anthropology. Further, anthropological knowledge can easily be integrated into EH research. My aim as the editor of this book is to acguaint the Hungarian public with this field of research and approach. I hope it may serve as inspiration for the academic community by emphasizing the exciting research themes and important results which await those who pursue their activities with the approach of EH scholars. The book aims to provide the educated laity with information, to shed light on the complexity of environmental problems, and to encourage everyone to try to comprehend the world and the role of the scholarly fields in their complexity, instead of accepting oversimplified answers. The subtitle A Reader suggests that I ascribe a role to it in education as well: the authors intend to use it as a textbook in their university courses, and I hope it will prove valuable in other educational institutions as well. 11 April 2023, Pécs Judit Farkas Bibliography Belfiore, Eleonora — Upchurch, Anna 2013. Introduction: Reframing the “value” debate for the humanities. In Belfiore, E.— Upchurch, A. (eds.): Humanities in the twenty-first century. Beyond utility and markets. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-16. Gottlieb, Roger S. 1997. Introduction. The Center Cannot Hold. In Gottlieb, Roger S. (ed.): The Ecological Community. Environmental Challenges for Philosophy, Politics, and Morality. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, IX-XI. Hubbell, J. Andrew — Ryan, John C. 2022. Introduction to the Environmental Humanities. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. Mészáros, Csaba 2019. , Kié az antropocén? A globális klímaváltozás antropológiai szemlélete". [Whose is the Anthropocene? The anthropological view on the global climate change] Replika, 113: 145-164.DOI: 10.32564/113.8 Oppermann, Serpil — Iovino, Serenella 2017. Introduction: The Environmental Humanities and the Challenges of the Anthropocene. In Oppermann, Serpil — Iovino, Serenella (eds.): Environmental humanities: voices from the anthropocene. London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 1—21. Online source Jonas, Owain 2016 What Are the Environmental Humanities? And history of the term? — A blog about the environmental (ecological) arts & humanities (https://ecologicalhumanities.wordpress.com/)