ABSTRACTS CONTRAPOSITION AND INTERLACEMENT — THE ROLE OF ,,BETWEENNESS” IN PETER NADAS’S NOVEL THE END OF A FAMILY STORY Boglárka Puskásné Imre This paper would like to extend the so far existing and also grandiose hermeneutical background of Péter Nadas’ novel The End of a Family Story in a way that focuses on the concept of betweenness. The german words dazwischen and inzwischen signpost the many complex phenomena and the dichotomy that appear in the novel such as history and myth, judaism and Christianity, the questions of continuation of tradition and identity, etc. Betweenness also helps the reader to describe that general uncertainty which pervades the novel to a great extent. In this way the ideas of dazwischen offers answers paradoxically by awake new questions about identity, narratives and one’s role and place in the world. REGULATORY ISSUES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE LIGHT OF STANDARDS Gergely Rideg In this paper, I seek to answer the question to what extent the use of standards can be a means to regulate AI systems in a proportionate and justified way. Through normative analysis, taxonomic interpretation, and contextual analysis, I investigate whether standards allow for the incorporation of appropriate safeguards in the development of AI. I expect that through the use of standards, the legislator may be able to adequately address the risks posed by the use of AI. Significant points in the design of the legislation are that the standard adoption process should be transparent, fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory. The research focuses on the draft AI legislation envisioned by the European legislator and analyses its intended provisions. Among other considerations, the study also addresses the impact of the enactment of detailed technological rules on market players. To what extent do these regulatory techniques make the use of AI flexible or inflexible. * 173 +