298 MINERALOGICAL REMARKS. heat to five or fix times their original bulk.——Here we have again Mr. Fichtel’s zcolites, and fome part of this mafs is his black fibrous pumex-like zeolite mentioned by him page 653. ‘This gentleman there makes this juft obfervation, that “ all thefe zeolites, from the light grey to the coal black, run into one another; and E have,” fays he, “ collected a fuite of fourteen fpecimens, in which each variety is clofely conneéted with another, not only in:colour, but likewife in texture.” In what countries are {uch foffils found, and in what catalogues do we meet with fuch foffils defcribed? Is it not in indifputable volcanic countries, and often where the fire ftill rages ; and in the catalogues of their produ@s? Neptuni/mus, to which I am ready to attribute much of the formation of our globe, or rather of its thin epidermis, with which we are only acquainted, muft fomewhere ceafe, and vwlcanifinus begin; and the only difficulty, and where the learned fo little agree, is, where fhall the one ceafe and the other begin? I always thought with the great Linneus, “6 Ubicunque pumices copiofiores, ibi quondam vivi vulcani exflitere, licet dudum emortui oblivioni traditi”’ ‘This curious rock appeared to reft on the decompofed argillaceous porphyry. A little further on are rocks formed of large blocks of bafaltes; and ftill further, I found a great many loofe fragments of filex or petrofilex, containing impreffions of organic bodies, Early in the evening I reached Telkobanya, a large ill built village or town. I 2 took 46