MINERALOGICAL ‘REMARKS. 39 often admired the refpeftable condu& of the Hungarian peafantry; I never obferved in them any of that ferocity of, which they are accufed in Auftria, nor that mean and fneaking difpofition, though they treat their fuperiors with great refpe&, which one might expe to find in a peafantry hardly emerged from a ftate of bondage. . Soon after leaving this village, there is on the right hand, overhanging the road, a moft remarkable rock: it is a ftrange mixture indeed; a Breccia compofed of fragments of glafly pitch-/fone (pechfcin), both compa& and cellular, both grey and black, fcattered with parallelopipeds of adularia, with fragments of pumex, and here and there fragments of a porphyry with a bafe of reddith white petrofiléx with grains of pellucid Quartz, Thefe fragments, more heterogeneous in their appearance than in their nature, are imbedded in, or cemented by, a mafs’ no lefs curious; it is in appearance like fand-ftone,’ or rather granulated Quartz, in fome parts, particularly if viewed with a lens, it has a contorted fibrous texture, in other parts it is more like pitch-ffone, bat diaphanous and fomewhat granulated ; where it is moft compact 'it firikes fire. Though this Breccia appears fo very heterogeneous, yet it is very homogeneous in its natures” the fragments of the different coloured pitch-/lones, and +} likewife che Zumex "and the cementing matter, are all of the fame nature: ‘they all intumefce under tle blow-pipe with phofphorefcence, and form a white light fcoria which fwims in water: fome fwell by g heat 45