MINERALOGICAL REMARKS. 293 almoft. all he had to lofe. Near thefe mines I found another bed of the white clay, but here it was-fo little indurated, or rather fo much decompofed, asto crumble between the fingers. Not-far from hence I:picked up fome globules of Odfdian. In-the walls of the houfes, and in the. ftreets, I noticed a.very. beautiful breccia*, formed of fmall fragments of .a lively green. coloured petrofilex, united. by an. almoft imperceptible. coating of chalcedony. . Tfhould not have ftaid here above half a day, for the {quire of the place, Mr. Sirmay, for-whom I. hada letter of introduction, was not at home, but no horfes were to be had: they were all employed in tranfporting the do» gratuit of corn made by the. nobility to the emperort, and on this account I was detained a day longer, and. then I. went to. Uihelly. with Mr. Berhelly, the gentleman who was both. * Breccia. Ex fragmentis minoribus Petrofilicis viridis cultro vix rafilis fcintillantis; ad angulos fubdiaphanæ, & paucis Jafpidis rubræ, ope Chalcedonïi alboicærulefcentis vix nudo oculo difcérnendi, conglutinatis. Tubi ferruminatorii ope color viridis evanefcit, & ad angulosyitrum albunt prabet. +: This is another grievance under which the peafants labour; and at particular times and on particular roads it is a very fevere one: ‘They are obliged to tranfport the ammunition and provifions for the army, and.every thing that.is-for the. public fervices and they receive ftill lefs pay than from travellers. 41