MINERALOGICAL REMARKS, 291 an imperfect kind of pumice in fmall fragments, and the grey volcanic glafs * This is covered by another kind, compofed of fragments of pumice of the fize of a pea, intermixed with a few fragments of the fame grey volcanic glafs, lightly cemented by an earthy ochre-coloured fubftance +. Tolfchva is like Maad, a difagreeable ill-built town, and doubly difagreeable to me from the quantity of Jews in it. Though it only contains about 3000 inhabitants, there are 160 families of Jews, as a gentleman, who had been engaged in drawing up the cou/cription lifts, affured me. A diflike to a people whofe fole concern is gain ; who con{ider cunning and deceit.as eftimable qualities, and are infenfible to the beauties of nature, does not, I hope, indicate a bigoted mind. Jews are very common in Hungary, not in the great towns alone, but in the fmall ones, and in the villages. .Some gentlemen will not fuffer them on their eftates, though they are always ready to give a higher rent than other tenants. In countries where they are reftricted to the great commercial towns, where they have full {cope for their trafficking * Tufa, Alba ex fragmentis minoribus & parvis Pumicis, in mañla alba heterogenia terrea inequale-granulata afperrima valde friabili; granulis Obfidiani nigri & cinerei infperfis. + Tufa, Ex fragmentis minoribus & parvis Pumicis, ope terræ ferruginiæ friabilis, leviter conglutinatis. Obf. Granule Obfidiani non omnino defunt Pp2 ta 39