MINERALOGICAL REMARKS. 289 ‘Had I heard of thefe curious rocks when I was at Tokay, I fhould certainly have arranged things fo as to have feen them more at leifure ; but after keeping my-driver a few minutes, I was obliged to continue my journey. A mile or two ftill further, I came to the flone quarry from whence the light white cellular ftone, ufed at Tokay for building, is taken. Itis what the Germans call hardened clay *, but cellular ; the cells in fome places are partly filled up with a fibrous fubtance like decompofed pumice. Is this rock a decompofed porphyry or bafalt; lava, &c.? Thefe never contain pumice, if this ftriated matter be pumice: it is certainly not a volcanic tufa? It has a few grains of pellucid quartz ‚mixed in it, as fome porphyries have, but they are very few. The fhorteft and moft fathionable way would be, to call it-boldly a decompofed Lava. The country from Tokay to Maad is very pleafant, particularly foon after leaving Tokay, where on one hand you have hills covered with vines, and a fine plain varfegated with woods, and the river Bodrog meandring through iton the other. In four or five hours I reached Maad, where I took up my quarters with Baron Orcy’s fteward, and " Argilia indurata Germanorum. Alba fraétura inequalis, textura terrea impalpabilis, cultro facile rafilis, foraminibus mediocribus & parvis fparfis, vacuis, aut materia dilute ochracea friabili cariofa fibrofa repletis. ; Tubi ferruminasorii ope, et bafıs & coneretiones yitrum album opacum prgbent fire phofphorefcentia aut intumefcentia. Obf. Particula pauce Quartzi pellucidi que fepe in porphyriis inveniuntur, adfunt, fed rare. Pp in 37