288 MINERALOGICAL E MARKS. ‚the mountains or hills of Pap-Laffo, Cfcherhezy-Farka, and in. part the Schators, and feveral other hills about Telke-Banya and Tokay ; in fome of which places it contains the globules ‘of Obfidian: thefe are likewife found loofe and fcattered about in many places in thefe Hungarian Campi Phlegrai, as may be learned from Mr, Fichtel’s 1 x de ın 2 work, and Mr. Born’s Catalogue Raifonne. Mr. Fichtel gave me fome of his black coal-like Zeolite, defcribed by him, page 652; and Mr. Klaproth was fo kind as to examine it for me. He found it fwell up under the blow-pipe more, and more readily than that mentioned page 277: being heated in the fame manner for two hours, it likewife loft 45 per cent. and placed in a porcelain furnace in a clay crucible, it melted into a fimilar glafs; but the colour was of a browner caft, The analyfis in the wet way gave, Siliceous Earth fée Argillaceous Hu te s : Ciliredas é ar 7 weighed in the red hot ftate. Calx of Iron 2h À ‘ ‘ 4 Volatilized in the fire 4 974 Lofs 24 100 Its fpecificgravity is 2,357. : . Had 36